Thursday, 21 August 2014

Google classroom and all that

Wanted! - The perfect tool

OK, so I accept that it probably doesn't exist, but I have renewed hope that google classroom has entered the mix. I have been trying with facebook, google +, edmodo, moodle and schoology over the last few years and hoping that one of them would evolve in to everything I want it to be. I sent out a tweet about google classroom yesterday asking if google had a forum for us to feed in to on desired features and this will be the crux for me I think! There has to be regular input from teachers to learn about the desired features so here are mine......

  1. I need a class 'stream' - in which both me and my students can post.
  2. I want to be able to set this stream to be public viewable so that parents can see it without the need to log in. I would also like the ability to control access to this stream.
  3. There has to be an effective notification process for users. So far the only thing that works for me on this score is facebook. No guarantee students will see anything else.
  4. I need to be keep records on students including comments and grades.
  5. I need these to be viewable by students and parents.
  6. I need students and parents to be able to add comments to this assessment section.
  7. I need to be able to filter out information by student or assignment like I can in a database. the information is only in once and then I can view it in different ways.
Yes please!

So far no tool does this. If I had the means and the know how I would make, I think it is exactly what we need. I hope google classroom are listening!

How might I use this......

  • Students complete a unit of work after which I would award them an attainment and effort grade in line with our policy. 
  • I would add a commentary on how that student has been doing during this unit.
  • Students would add their own commentary on how they did, how hard they worked and what they felt that did well on and struggled with.
  • Parents then add a comment too.

At any point in the school year, me, the student and the parents can see a nice record of what we all thought at the various key points. A true manifestation of this 3-way partnership that is so often spoken of.

In addition, I can pick any unit of work and see a list of my class, their results and commentary.

No need for formal reporting until students leave the school!

Very simple, very doable,

Yes please!

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